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Grand Rapids Auto Transmission Repair:  Transmission Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

Keeping your vehicle’s transmission in top shape is important because it affects your car’s overall performance. Unfortunately for most drivers, pointing out transmission problems in their vehicle can sometimes be a struggle.  In some cases, you could already be experiencing transmission trouble without even realizing it. Are you worried if your car has any issues with its transmission? Check out this list of the most common auto transmission problems you might experience, and take action to get your transmission repaired in Grand Rapids at your local Quality Express Car Care Center.

Strange motions while driving

Even if you’re not a long-time car owner, it’s fairly easy to point out if something feels wrong when you are driving. One sign of a failing transmission is a series of strange vibrations or shimmying movements while on the road. If you experience this, particularly at a certain speed or speed range, it could mean the transmission or one of its components needs a replacement as soon as possible.

Unusual smells, like burning

Similar to your car’s engine, the transmission operates at a high temperature. However, this does not mean that a burning smell is norm– quite the opposite in fact. Without the correct amount of transmission fluid to lubricate the system, it can severely overheat and fail altogether. This leads to a strange burning chemical smell while the car is running.

Warning light indicator

Warning lights make everything easier since it basically lets the car tell you that there’s a problem. Since we are now in the modern age where almost anything relies on electronic systems, drivers can immediately pinpoint any issue with the vehicle. Do you notice that warning light blinking on your instrument cluster? If it specifically shows “O/D,” this means that the overdrive gear – the car’s very own diagnostic system – has recorded an error with the transmission system.

Puddles beneath the vehicle or fluid leaks

As noted earlier, the transmission fluid is vital because it keeps the system smooth-running by lubricating the mechanism. Are there any pink, red or brown-colored puddles beneath your vehicle? That could be the result of a faulty gasket or broken seal in the system. Bear in mind that knowing when to change the fluid will also prevent costly repairs.

Transmission no longer operates normally

As ambiguous as this phrase may be, a lot of factors can significantly contribute to a transmission failure. A common yet subtle example is when the system hesitates or slips whenever you are on the road. You may notice that after stepping on the pedal, the engine revs up but there is no speed increase. This usually happens when you first start the car after a cold morning.

Delaying transmission repairs will only make matters worse.

You wouldn’t want to risk your safety while using your car, right? If you encounter any of the conditions indicated above, it’s always best to have your vehicle inspected by an expert Grand Rapids auto mechanic. Be sure to drop by or contact Quality Express Car Care Center because we offer top-quality services, particularly in terms of auto transmission repair in Grand Rapids, MI.

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